Caro's Great Law of Tells Players are either acting or they aren't. If they are acting, then decide what they want you to do and disappoint them. Caro's Law of Tells #1 Players often stack chips in a manner directly indicative of their style of play. Conservative means conservative; sloppy means sloppy. Caro's Law of Tells #2 Players often buy chips in a manner directly indicative of their style of play. Flamboyant means flamboyant; guarded means guarded. Caro's Law of Tells #3 Any unsophisticated player who bets, then shares his hand while awaiting a call, is unlikely to be bluffing. Caro's Law of Tells #4 A trembling bet is a force to be feared. Caro's Law of Tells #5 In the absence of indications to the contrary, call any bettor whose hand covers his mouth. Caro's Laws of Tells #6 A genuine smile usually means a genuine hand; a forced smile is a bluff. Caro's Laws of Tells #7 The friendlier a bettor is, the more apt he is to be bluffing. Caro's Law of Tells #8 A player glances secretly at his chips only when he's considering a bet--and almost always because he's helped his hand. Caro's Law of Tells #9 If a player looks and then checks instantly, it's unlikely that he improved his hand. Caro's Law of Tells #10 If a player looks and then bets instantly, it's unlikely that he's bluffing. Caro's Law of Tells #11 Disappoint any player who, by acting weak, is seeking your call. Caro's Law of Tells #12 Disappoint any player who, by acting strong, is hoping you'll pass. Caro's Law of Tells #13 Players staring at you are usually less of a threat than players staring away. Caro's Law of Tells #14 Players staring at their cards are usually weak. Caro's Law of Tells #15 Players reaching for their chips out of turn are usually weak. Caro's Law of Tells #16 A weak player who gathers a pot prematurely is usually bluffing. Caro's Law of Tells #17 When a player acts to spread his hand prematurely, it's usually because he's bluffing. Caro's Law of Tells #18 If a player bets and then looks back at his hand as you reach for your chips, he's probably bluffing. Caro's Law of Tells #19 A forceful or exaggerated bet usually means weakness. Caro's Law of Tells #20 A gentle bet usually means strength. Caro's Law of Tells #21 When in doubt, sit behind the money. Caro's Law of Tells #22 When tells conflict, the player is acting. Determine what he's trying to make you do by his most blatant mannerism. Then generally do the opposite. Caro's Law of Tells #23 A misdirected bet is almost always a bluff. Caro's Law of Tells #24 Beware of sighs and sounds of sorrow. Caro's Law of Tells #25 Don't call Pokerclack.